‘Pretty Little Liars’ Star Ian Harding Dives Into Sex and Drugs in ‘Addiction: A ’60s Love Story’…

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  1. Sevda Laukkanen

    Something in his face makes me think that he could play ted bundy

    1. ciara durovi

      omg yea

  2. Lautael

    Ian Harding having sex —> Great movie !
    Add Evana Lynch —> BEST MOVIE EVAH 8D

    1. Anna Rees

      She went to my school

  3. Gina Rains Bearfighter

    THAT’S just not a 60’s love of add!ct!on story..thats a TODAYS real l!fe ep!dem!c.

  4. Larissa Weasley

    Ezra AND Luna…
    Are you fucking kidding me

  5. Marie Torfs

    @melissa vz

  6. Helodye Lolo

    @Ianmharding : This movie is great