World News: China tennis star Peng says ex-vice premier forced her into sex

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  1. Youngchopper

    China old man have power

  2. True North Strong and Free

    I saw this firsthand for myself. I was invited to one of the many pleasure palaces for government officials in Changping where officials are treated to wine women and song on a daily basis. These fun palaces exist for party members and they are provided with the finest of food, Liquor, entertainment, and prostitutes from Russia and China. I was absolutely shocked to see how these party members acted behind closed doors amongst their own kind. They were certainly never shy about their actions with these prostitutes right out in the open. In a few rooms that I peered into there were massive orgies in progress. After seeing this, my respect for Chinese politicians went out the window. I have never witnessed such blatant corruption before.

  3. Yue Ma

    dude was like 40 some years older than her

  4. Juju Rellama

    This is common in Asia

  5. CAS Smith

    and the x premier r e a l l y looks creepy.

  6. Utube Sucks

    The mistress, scorned cos he dumped her, now cries wolf. Yup, yup…

    1. TheBucketSkill

      lol hope some elites use that excuse on you’re daughter or mother.

  7. True North Strong and Free

    So it would appear the WTA has more balls than the NBA!